Annick van der Hoest



I am a full-stack freelance developer and when I say full-stack I mean full-stack. I have worked on very cool and diverse projects: Tappie is an unmanned smart beertender where you pay with your cup, we’ve built a Magic Mirror that recognises who’s in front, created an office plant that you can chat with, held a workshop on how to build a musical instrument using sensors, and other fun projects. I have also built a few websites like the one you’re on right now, Frankendael Apartments and Nice Services.

What I like to work on most though, are LED and sensor Art installations. Here I show you some of the projects I’ve worked on. I also post work-in-progress pics and videos on my Instagram. If you’re looking for a custom-made LED and sensor installation for your party or festival decoration contact me for a coffee and a chat. I’m always up for doing new interesting projects and hearing your ideas.

If you’re interested in learning how to make the things I make you’ve also come to the right place! I give workshops because I enjoy teaching people what I have learned and I like to enthuse people for the technical fields of electronics and programming. I like to help you get started on your creative ideas and projects. Get in touch to discuss a workshop tailored to your needs.



micro:bit workshop

for kids

The micro:bit is an awesome gadget, it’s a sort of tiny computer with sensors. It was developed to introduce children aged 7 to 14 to the digital world. Through creative projects they become familiar with programming and programming concepts.


LED Art decorations


Custom-made LED Art decorations include anything from party outfits and party decorations, to theatre decors and custom logo’s.

(Photo: Mama Haq’s with her custom-made LED logo)

Contact me